Eurizon Capital SA
Eurizon Capital SA is an asset management company established in 1988 in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. It is fully owned by Eurizon Capital SGR. Eurizon Capital SA manages and distributes Luxembourg based collective investment funds for retail and institutional clients. In Luxembourg, the company offers a broad range of services dedicated to institutional investors, including the possibility of setting up customized collective investment funds. Eurizon Capital SA is also centre of specialization in the management of limited tracking error funds (LTE), which allows to maintain a close relationship with the trend of the markets, and of monetary funds. Eurizon Capital SA is also in charge of the wrapping and management of products designed for retail, institutional and high net worth individuals.
28, boulevard KockelscheuerL-1821 Luxembourg (Luxemburg) Web
Fonds dieser Fondsgesellschaft
5 Fonds gefunden
Regulär: 1,50 % | als AVL-Kunde: 0,00 %
Eurizon Fund - Bond Aggregate RMB R EUR T
(1 Jahr)
(5 Jahre)
AVL-Vorteil über unsere Depot-Partner sichern
Regulär: 1,50 % | als AVL-Kunde: 0,00 %
Epsilon Fund - Emerging Bond Total Return R EUR T
(1 Jahr)
(5 Jahre)
AVL-Vorteil über unsere Depot-Partner sichern
Regulär: 1,50 % | als AVL-Kunde: 0,00 %
Epsilon Fund - Euro Bond R EUR T
(1 Jahr)
(5 Jahre)
AVL-Vorteil über unsere Depot-Partner sichern
Regulär: 2,50 % | als AVL-Kunde: 0,00 %
Eurizon Fund - Absolute Green Bonds R EUR T
(1 Jahr)
(5 Jahre)
AVL-Vorteil über unsere Depot-Partner sichern
WKN: 930344
Regulär: 3,00 % | als AVL-Kunde: 0,00 %
Eurizon Fund - Equity China Smart Volatility R EUR T
(1 Jahr)
(5 Jahre)